Since 2020, NIDA and the United Nations Thailand have been collaborating to support Thailand's aspiration and commitment towards achieving the SDGs agenda 2030. Stipulated in the signed agreement are the following activities: (1) joint research activities (6 surveys per year) through phone polling, face-to-face surveys, or other appropriate methods, (2) participation of UN colleagues in NIDA-organized seminars, conferences, and academic events on SDG themes, and (3) volunteering opportunities for NIDA students as part of the V force program of United Nations Volunteers. For instance, regarding the joint research activities, NIDA Poll has been instrumental in gathering the SDGs-related data on the topics below:

1. Food consumption during COVID-19 

2. Problems facing Thai people and the country’s development directions 

3. The United Nations’ operational directions 

4. Impacts of the third wave of COVID-19 pandemic 

5. Impacts of COVID 19 on children 

6. Thailand’s awareness of the United Nations